Life has amazing power –
it defeats people without their knowledge. It is said, it’s not always what we
like we get, and not everything resembles a position. We fall for the wrong people
without realizing that we’re defeated. This is why it is said, people who
are meant to be yours would be with you at all cost, but those who find reasons
to leave you aren’t yours no matter how you cherish them. Unfortunately,
sometimes, you end you chasing the ones that are not meant for you. This is Parallel
But deep down, apart
from the natural laws, things fall apart when they’re incompliant. We might don’t
know because we don’t usually realize until it is too late. Dear reader, if you
can endure reading pieces of heartbreaking stories, this episodic write-up will
suit you. But if you can’t, it is very good to note this earlier to avoid
falling into Parallel Incompliance!
Because experts say
expectation is the root of all heartaches, this is the main reason why I don’t
blame anyone except the natural desires which lead to Parallel Incompliance.
Anyway, one could
simply get the exact point of tomorrow’s prediction: if by an accident the
inner core of the heart explodes, note that Parallel Incompliance should be
held accountable. But I wonder why someone would conquer an entire empire, a
salient one which has never been broken even by an inner force. What an
atrocious world! So, I wanted to enlighten them that it is inhumane to destroy
someone’s joy even without your knowledge, but I learned that this heartless
world isn’t a peaceful place for softhearted people.
My dear reader let me
shed a light to avoid leaving you in darkness: Parallel Incompliance is incompliant
of phenomena –things that occur naturally but they do not deserve to be in
their desired situation; for instance now, falling in love with the wrong
Now, the game begins!
of Life
Love and hatred are two
undefeatable philosophies of life. If you're loved, you'll be glad, and vice
versa. But note that you can’t force
someone to truly love you, and you can't forcefully make someone to stop hating
Many reasons make
people change. But most of the times, they change because they have either learned
a lesson or they were hurt. Don’t just judge them when they change because you
don't know the difficulties they had gone through. Everyone has their own book
of life.
Re-starting Myself
I wanted to restart
myself but I don’t know which button to press, and I wish I had a delete button
where I could erase all the bad memories that sadden me.
I’ve already taken a
promise that my satire will not expire but to inspire, as I am not ready to
retire but to give it a try at the entire echoes. Hence, I alert them to shine
their eyes like an eagle but not an owl —as it is believed that salt and sugar
have the same colour but different tastes and actions.
Did you know that your
real ally would be with you no matter how bad the situation is, but won’t try
to stay with you in your grave even for an hour no matter how much they love
and cherish you? If you're locked up in a lion’s den to fight for your rights,
that's when you would know why it is so important to push yourself into the
world of struggles.
The widely known
natural behaviours of loners and introverts are how they suffer alone, depress
alone, feel pain alone, cry alone in silence, and die alone. They hardly
express their feelings. They can easily be deceived because their hearts are
infatuated and they hardly retaliate when they're hurt. Only emotional hearts
understand their silent pains.
If I Die?
Don’t mind me, one day
I will be taken away from this world and will never return; only old memories will
remain for those who care. I thought the signs I showed would make you realize
the deepest feelings I hold for your specialty, but you suddenly turned a blind
eye against anything that belongs to me. I’m sorry, I don't mean to hurt, hate
or harm you by whatever means. What I only insist to know is the love I have
for you!
I wanted to make you
understand that the words I utter come from the inner core of my heart. Believe
it or not, I’m okay since I’m done since Mark Twain says once you said the
truth, you don’t have to remember anything.
Hence, it doesn’t matter how you take it or why you turn it down, what
matters most is the mutter in the mortar for the mortal.
When poverty ravages
the rich, illiteracy defeats the scholar, illness kills the doctor, war defeats
the warrior, and love beats the therapist, you know it’s not all the time you
can outshine your opposition or what you heal. Life has an amazing power and
nature is beyond our expectations.
Being someone’s
priority takes longer than expected, unlike for someone who cares and seems to
be yours. But the biggest mistake I made was making someone my priority while I
was just their option. So, when I told my mentor about my biggest challenges,
he said they are what make you a man, but the pain in me is too much to endure.
And even after trying
Marcus Aurelius’ adage, the matter returns to its initial condition like a
clock. So, try to know the worth of your priorities and value them the most,
because it is said, to know the value of every drop, carry your own water. Whoever
prioritizes you, values you the most.
It takes less than a minute to learn how to differentiate “well” and “well”, “ring” and “ring”, “date” and “date”; and it only needs careful consideration in pronouncing “see” and “sea”, “plane” and “plain”, and “sun” and “son”. And do not be confused with “address” and “address”, “mean” and “mean”, “bat” and “bat”, and “match” and “match”. Please do not forget “allowed” and “aloud”, “load” and “lord”, and “dip” and “deep”.
Hope you know whoever opens the door of school really closes the bad skull, to make better but not beta –as we know if you wave you will wave, if you mind you will mine, but it's not necessary to brief if you grieve. I wonder how life threatens; you would have come across a bier but not beer, and note that if you dye you will die, if you pluck you will cluck -and again it's not necessary to block if you blog and to hoodoo if you voodoo.
I will be back but not back, and to punch not punch, to poke not fuck and to deliver not deliver. As I always urge you to detest not to detest, to love not to love and to care not to care only if you are an ally, not an alley. I’m still on a long journey to grip not to grip, and as your prayers, not preyers are powerful like a supernova, not Casanova -I’d like to rest in peace, not in piece.
In general speaking, it
is believed that if you point someone with your finger, you are highly informed
that the remaining fingers are pointed back at you —as my countrymen simply
say, “back to the sender.” So note that good deeds return to their doer and
vice versa. Hence, the standardization of life security depends on infallible
truths. This is just to say that your honesty pays you the most.
I was unaware of making
that mistake, but why won’t you let me know so that I should apologize? This is
unfair. Don’t you know that I accept my wrongdoings without any protest? You
know we are humans because we can make mistakes, but what makes us deeper
humans is that we can apologize, forgive and forget. Note this, please. Meanwhile,
a quote says you cannot make someone understand a message they are not ready
to receive.
Someone’s Pain
I usually say, “It is a
big deal to understand someone’s pain, but for emotional hearts, it is as
simple as a blink.” It gives me the courage to relax and confront the main
points of the plausible downfall. However, I also thought that being in another
world is a great opportunity to escape the perilous trap of fake people.
Fortunately, it was a nice thought.
But when I take a deep
sigh and think about how life threatens, I give up despite remembering how the
laws of nature work in order —as the laws of time say clockwise direction is possible
and vice versa. Even though they know it hurts, they insist to continue putting
things in distortion when they have no idea how the “peace of mind” of innocent lives is desolated.
Pure Heart is a special
gift from God Almighty. People with this kind of enormous gift are naturally
different. They live peacefully with anyone. They have peace of mind. They are
kind. They help people. They wish good for others. They are not envious. They
do not insult or hurt people intentionally. They are not bad or wicked. They do
not hate people or wish to harm them. They always have good intentions. Believe me, if you live with them, you would
never regret it. You would be accustomed to goodness and kind-heartedness. You
would live peacefully with the people around you. You would always have good
intentions for others. Thank God if you have a pure heart, pray to Almighty God
to bless you with one, if you do not.
There are some people
with extremely pure hearts. They didn’t get it for themselves, but they wish
and strive to get it for others. They may be our parents, friends, leaders or
even strangers. Revere them no matter how they are and never leave them in
their difficult times.
My worries might be
someone’s opportunity to be happy, but theirs could never be the urge to please
me. Even though being happy or sad, isn’t always priceless, there's always
a chance that we should stand upon it to make things better.
Yeah, people recognize
you, not your shadow, this is why it is always good to act 100% like the real
you. Turn a blind eye and a deaf ear against the negativity and face your
reality. Hence, try to be better than yourself not someone, and take a one-step
forward every day to become the best version of yourself. If you do so, you don’t
have to worry about the thoughts that baffle your mind.
Things from One Side
We cannot condemn
things just by looking at them from one side, as the popular adage says don’t
judge a book by its cover. Even though I
use to say don't always expect the best or your heart choice from people, it is very good to think positive and speak good about them. Mark Twain says, “let
us live so that when we come to die even the taker will be at mercy.” As for
our feelings, we writers use to express them in our writings; some do it in the
form of singing, poetry, or whatever means. It is their choice.
Solves our Social Problems
When I said psychology
can solve over 30% of our social problems, some people were surprised. But if
we take a deep look at it and analyze how we can defeat our problems by
applying good strategic therapy, we will surely arrive at the stage of
prioritizing it. You see, even being cruel or thinking negatively about others is
part of it. But despite the fact that people like me who suffer from
psychological disorders give people positive thoughts, it is not always
believed that the case goes like that without a difference.
a Cruel
Someone said he has the
chance to be cruel because he was not treated with kindness, but he chose to be
kind despite all the difficulties he had gone through. I call him a HERO! These kinds of people use to give ultimate sacrifices and wish good for others. They
are whom Albert Einstein calls intelligent because they ignore, forgive and
forget when they’re hurt.
Because of the high
level of dog loyalty, Mark Twain says the more he reads about humans the more
he likes his dog. People would leave you, turn a blind against you, attack you,
hurt you and do all kinds of evil machinations to you no matter how much you cherish
each other, but dogs don’t do that. Even if they run mad, they would never
attack their master.
When your dog notices
you’re no more alive, it would go to your cemetery and sleep beside your grave.
Do humans do this? No, instead, we betray, deceive and change our normal
attitudes within seconds. Sometimes, even strangers pay us to betray our loved
ones. Despite the fact that the dog is an unvalued animal that lives in our
societies, it is very loyal. It doesn’t betray its master, and you can't
influence it to do so. Let's learn its loyalty now.
Please, allow me to
repeat this: Do not leave your friends when they are no more riches, famous,
brilliant, beautiful or healthy. We are destined to live forever, even if you
are no more alive, we still hail you in our hearts!