I have decided to release my
philosophical book at the end of this year, 2020, for my fellow philosophers
and those who strive to seek the truth no matter how bitter it seems to be.
In a nutshell, Perceptible Ideologies is a special book
on ideology; how humans view things and how they differ in most cases with
regard to their different ideologies.
Aliyu Ibrahim Haidar is responsible for writing the book’s forward, he states:
"God created this universe as a diverse, sophisticated, and wonderful abode for His creatures. The most sophisticated creature of all His creations is a human being. We, humans, are the most intelligent, curious, and mysterious of His creations. What made us even more fascinating is how we perceive things differently from others.
"Mohiddeen Ahmad, an intelligent and humble friend of mine who is an advocate of peaceful co-existence wrote this book to explain how we can live with other people who have a different perspective from ours in a harmonious and peaceful manner. This can only be achieved by understanding our differences, respecting other people’s perspectives and learning to live peacefully with them no matter how we differ in idea, culture, creed, race, sect, religion, or anything that is foreign to our ways.
"This book reveals the secret which has been jealously hidden from the masses by the selfish among our leaders in government, religion, or any administrative agents in our society. The selfish among the elite use our diversity as a tool to divide us further for their own selfish aims, using the “divide and rule” technique has been a very powerful mask to cover their footprints. Understanding and harnessing the phrase: A beautiful garden is the one which consists of different flowers was the sole reason Mr. Mohiddeen wrote the book which I had the pleasure of editing."
His words, of course, are the
real definitions of this book. So to cut it, this book is all about
demystifying the subtle different ideologies we humans have. It does not mean
to classify or demystify the level of intelligence. The book only talks about
ideology and its aspects. Furthermore, the book encourages one to dump negative
thoughts, extremism, and bigotry. To clarify these, some stories and
philosophical razors are given to make it very understandable.