As I set to launch my Zo Mu Gina Kamfani today,
21st February 2021, I’d like to share its first chapter for free as a giveaway.
The event Arewa Computer Library, which took place
at the School of Arabic Studies, Kano, has been acknowledged by well-recognized
public figures –where surfeit advice and excellent ideas have been given to
encourage youths to invent and bring positive change.
#ZoMuGinaKamfani’s thousands of adherents have
contributed in any possible and legitimate way to move the trend and the book
forward, in such a way that other youths will get aware of it and abide by it its
Furthermore, people from different parts of Northern
Nigeria –northeastern, western and central regions have managed to attend the
event. I am, however, ecstatic to have such a paramount honour.
I was also privileged to have an Award of Excellence
as the Motivational Master of the Year 2020 –the twin year, from Arewa Computer
Library, as well as being appointed as its Special Adviser. This is a really big
honour. I do appreciate it.
Henceforth, I’d like to recommend Zo Mu Gina Kamfani
to my fellow youths who have the guilt and minds of changeable development –so
we can participate to bring a positive change to our land.
To make it wider, Zo Mu Gina Kamfani isn’t meant for
entrepreneurship or management only, it also serves as motivational excellence
which urges youths to be competent enough to run into the realm of development.
Finally, I will use this medium to thank all the
attendants, friends, family and well-wishers for their enormous contribution in
all the steps of this development, may you be rewarded by Almighty God, amen.
The giveaway can be downloaded here.