

Being a Unique!


Are you unique? What does it take to be unique? Wait, what does that mean? Let’s be frank and say “speciality” means absolute uniqueness. But if this seems unobvious, then we need to grasp the concept in the first place by placing some examples.

Prof.Einstein formulated his theory of “special relativity” before placing the “general” theory on the ground. Shall we call that inductive and deductive forms of reasoning? Or shall we revere Einstein for being unique? He was indeed a great genius whose ingeniousness changed our modern understanding of this universe.

Hence, Galileo was among the greatest scientists of all time that influenced Einstein and was the first person to invent a telescope, as well as being the first scientist to have discovered how the earth revolves around the sun. Then, scientifically, Charles Darwin was the first scientist to have changed the basic conception of natural evolution. Then, Tesla, Planck, Graham Bell, Edison, and Franklin changed the method of today’s communication. Let me just cut it here, these guys were geniuses and unique.

When Descartes’ quote, “I think, therefore I am” changed many minds, he was considered unique; the same goes for Nostradamus’ psychic power, Freud’s intellectuality, al-Jazari’s intelligence, Armstrong’s courage, Hitler’s bravery, Trump’s confidence, and definitely your endurance to read this piece. Yeah, of course!

If you develop hope —whether positive or vice versa, and get attitudes of your own —be it obstinate or not, and become to acquire a certain personality, you are unique. Being unique requires one to have certain attitudes, points of view and intelligence. And moreover, intelligence comes in different forms. No one is unintelligent, but some decisions might be.

Once you can think, reason, and make logical decisions —you have a good conscience, then you are intelligent. If you have different intelligence, thoughts and attitudes, then you are unique. BUT you know you may have the same attitudes, intelligence and thoughts as millions of people around the globe and can still be unique. Because based on my theory of the cosmic phenomena, you may know something that someone might have discovered for a long, and this is the laws of nature.

Despite all these facts, humans are naturally unique. We have different faces, structural forms of perception, and the whole physical structure. Even twins are unique —even if they share the same DNA or other biological facts, they must share different fingerprints; because in the last 100-years of research, there were no the same fingerprints of two people that have been recorded.

Well, based on this piece, someone might have a different perception from mine, so we are uniquely apart. Now, how do you think you are unique? What makes you unique?

Tell me the steps that require one to be unique.

Relax, dear reader!



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